Review of Yellowstone National Park

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Wyoming Discount Registered Agent Yellowstone FallsLocated in the beautiful states of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana, Yellowstone National Park.  Established on March 1, 1872, it was the first national park in the United States and thought to be the first national park in the world.

One of the amazing attractions are the geothermal features like the Old Faithful geyser.  Old Faithful erupts every forty-four to one hundred and twenty-five minutes like clockwork since 2000.  It got its name in 1870 during an expedition by Washburn-Langford-Doane.

Yellowstone was home to Native Americans for eleven thousand years.  It is believed that mountain men were frequent visitors prior to organized exploration in the early nineteenth century.  Over the years there have been hundreds of structures built in the park which have been preserved for their historical significance.  There are over a thousand archaeological sites that have kept researchers busy for decades.

There are rivers, mountain ranges, canyons and lakes within the three thousand four hundred and sixty-eight square miles within the park.  Considered the largest high-elevation, seven thousand seven hundred and thirty-two feet, lake in North America is Yellowstone Lake.  The water covers one hundred and thirty-six square miles and one hundred and ten miles of shoreline.  The lake is chock full of Lake trout, Redside shiner, Cutthroat trout, Longnose sucker and Longnose dace.  It is actually in the middle of the largest supervolcano on the continental United States. Wyoming Discount Registered Agent Media

Yellowstone is home to hundreds of birds, reptiles, fish and mammals.  There are even threatened and endangered species within the park.  When visiting the park, you will see bison and elk.  There are also wolves and grizzly bears which take cover in the hundreds of acres of forest.

There are many videos of the bison on the internet.  One was posted just the other day of a nine-year-old girl getting head butted by a charging bison.  Fortunately, she was not seriously injured but she was thrown several feet in the air.  They recommend people stay at least twenty-five feet away from any bison in the area.  There have been some cases of people getting fined playing with the bison.Wyoming Discount Registered Agent WY

Yellowstone National Park has the Grand Prismatic Spring which is the largest hot spring in the United States.  It is also considered the third largest in the world.  The depth is recorded at one hundred and sixty feet and has a temperature of seventy degrees Celsius.  The colors look like a rainbow with brilliant blue, yellow, green, red and orange colors.

One of the best places to stay when you are in Yellowstone National Park is the Old Faithful Inn.  The log lobby that is multi-story with long wing for the guest rooms.  They built it in the winter of 1903-1094 using local materials like rhyolite stone and lodgepole pine.  It officially opened the spring of 1904 with such modern luxuries like steam heat and electric lights.